Fursona Generator

This is a random fursona generator, feel free to use it for anything you want. :3Rules:
- Please do not use the code or parts of the code.
- Credit me with the link of this website generator.sammel.art whenever possible.
- Click on the "Generate Fursona" button to get started
- Click the button again if you don't like the result
- You can lock a specific result with the heart (♡) icon, this can be turned off by clicking on it again.
- A full heart (♥) means that locked results will now stay even if you click on the "Generate Fursona" button again.
- You can copy the hex code of any generated color by clicking on it.
- You can copy all results in your clipboard by clicking the "Copy All" button, you can then paste it as a text.

Random Fursona Generator

Name: -

Species: -

Gender: -

Personality: -

Age: -

Color Palette:


- ChatGPT 4o + mini (code)
- Carrd.co (website builder)
- discotools.xyz (favicon)
- omenaadopts (dragon lineart base)